Rob posted the new image with the following caption:

A little gift from OSPUZE… Have a nice weekend… ._.

An identical copy of the image was posted to the brand new official-art channel when it was
made two weeks later:

1) 190B 01 1B151A01

A single plainly visible clue has been found in the image.

Replacing the letters in the text with numbers using conventional leet/1337 conversions leaves you with the string “1908 01 18151A01”.

By grouping these digits into pairs and using them index to the n letter of the alphabet (Using 1 based indexing where 1=A, and 26=Z) you get the name “Sharona”:
19 - S
08 - H
01 - A
18 - R
15 - O
14 - N
01 - A

The song My Sharona was released in the year 1979, directly pointing towards the T1B password.num79

2) Piano Sonata No.25, Op.79

In the footer of the image some hidden dots were found.

The dots were then isolated.
Repeated attempts at transcription were made, none of which produced fruitful audio.

Upon finding Ludwig van Beethoven’s signature in OSPUZE_Candiii an image which matched the music notes was found on the Wikipedia page for his piece Piano Sonata No.25, Op.79

While working on deciphering the dots Embark|Dusty posted a musically themed message, presumably to encourage hunters to continue looking into music.

Hey all! Just to cut time, we wanted to meter your expectations and let you know that you still have a ways to go on the current clues. If your efforts fall flat, we can try to get a new clue out of Rob. It is his forte, after all!

After solving the clue another clue from OSPUZE_Candiii was deciphered to be SONATA - XXV