Rob posted the new image with the following caption:

Hi.! Some new candy from our sponsors, hope you like it.!

An identical copy of the image was immediately posted to the official-art channel:

1) A


2) 2.75 3.26

Violet light has photon energy of 2.75–3.26 eV

3) 29.9N 41.6W

These are the coordinates of the Angström crater on the moon.
The characters “N” and “W” are a violet color.

4) Αβδηρος

This is Ancient Greek for the hero Abderus. The city Abdera, Thrace is named after him. Abdera is the birthplace of Democritus. Thus this clue also points us towards atoms.

5) 1869 (Cistercian numerals)

The first periodic table to become generally accepted was that of the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869

6) Light refraction/dispersion

The acrylic in the lower right is shown acting as a prism, refracting and dispersing light into its component parts.
This is believed to be another clue towards spectroscopy.

7) Spectra

There are two spots in the image which appear to depict spectra, possibly from atomic spectroscopy.
This again points towards spectroscopy as a clue, however it is likely more unsolved information is hidden in these clues.
We have not yet determined what is depicted in the spectra.