Rob posted the new image to easter-eggs with the following accompanying message:

Hi there.! How is the hunt going, perhaps you would like a new image for the weekend to take a look at..?

An identical copy of the image was immediately posted to the official-art channel:

1) BIV


 … a modernized version of René Descartes’s evil demon thought experiment.

Descartes used oviform shaped curves known as Cartesian Ovals (wiki ) as optics.

2) X coat of arms

The coat of arms of René Descartes:
DecartesCoatOfArms | 200

3) 1637


La Géométrie was published in 1637 as an appendix to Discours de la méthode (Discourse on the Method), written by René Descartes.

4) SATCAT no. 25008


In total, the Cassini mission discovered seven new moons orbiting Saturn. Using images taken by Cassini, researchers discovered MethonePallene and Polydeuces

Methone is a small, egg-shaped moon of Saturn that orbits out past Saturn’s ring system, between the orbits of Mimas and Enceladus.

5) 79=48=111=0x30

79 = O
48 = 0
111 = o
0x30 (hexidecimal) = 48 = 0

6) Vesica piscis


The vesica piscis is a type of lens, a mathematical shape formed by the intersection of two disks with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each disk lies on the perimeter of the other.

This figure appears in the first proposition of Euclid’s Elements, where it forms the first step in constructing an equilateral triangle using a compass and straightedge.

7) Ø

The null symbol

8) Unsolved… text?


9) Namatama sticker crease

Rob reacted with to the following message:

Did anyone notice the Z / N shape on NamaTama?