1) Iceberg

Another clue to ice for the tier!

2) L 24 239 MH19 64PLC 012971

Company Identification Number for Proctor and Gamble (source).
Along with the image of Comet in the next image (A_Space_Friend) this points us to calcium carbonate; the primary component in comet.

3) ΠΕΝΘΕΣΙΔΕΙΔ (Penthesilea)


East façade of the Cour Carrée in the Louvre palace, Paris.

Louis XIV had the east wall demolished and renovated by architect Louis Le Vau.

 Then, at window level from left to right: Moses with the Ten Commandments; the Egyptian goddess Isis with a sistrum; the Inca emperor Manco Cápac with the sun representing his father, the sun god Inti; and Numa Pompilius, the second king of Rome.

4) 206888

This number was also seen in Wallpaper_CB_Up_We_Go and Robatama

Calcium atomic number 20
Carbon atomic number 6
Oxygen atomic number 8

5) Sun King Louis XIV & the Hope Diamond

a) Sun King Louis XIV

b) Hope Diamond

6) Circle Quadrant Text Kari

We’re had clues to “polar” in the past, and I noticed this was approximately a quadrant of a circle.
I took the quadrant, and mirrored it about both axes to make a full circle:

Then used a “Polar to Rectangular” distort filter

7) Protruding pixels

Counts of pixels between each protruding pixel: 46, 11, 94

8) Noisy QR Code

Directs to https://www.reachthefinals.com/rival-1
This is a picture of side 2 of Malte Johnsons Orkester and Raija Mannerla’s record – High Society / Kaksi Kitaraa. The image has been edited to remove Raija Mannerla’s first name from the record.
An unedited picture of the record can be seen in the when clicking more images on discogs.
unedited Kaksi Kitaraa

Mannerla was later found to be hidden as a clue in Robatama as well.

9) Partial snowflake vector

Black overlay added to show where the rest of the snowflake would be
Confirmed by Rob