Rob posted a message to alert us that 404 (gif) had been replaced by a new image:

Wow, I just found this “404 errors may be momentary glitches that you can resolve by refreshing your web browser on a page.”… that could be useful, I will keep that in mind… ._.

A minute later, after users had discovered the updated content of the T1C URL, a higher resolution version of the image was posted to the official-art channel:

0) Top Row Transparent Pixels

In the top row there are transparent pixels at the y positions 0, 45, 70, 115, 127, 161.
The number of pixels in between these transparent pixels is 44 24 44 11 33.

Using tap code (aka knock code) to decode the interpixel space results in the word “TITAN”.

1) Block pattern

By interpreting each empty space to be a zero and each filled space to be a one you get the following binary:

01001100  01100101  01101001 01110100 01101000

Using a ASCII/UTF-8 character encoding this binary represents the string “Leith”

2) 13 books

A stack of 13 objects, interpreted to be Euclid’s The Thirteen Books of the Elements
tower credit

3) Saturn Symbol

4) Xth

5) VM 67

6) frombork


It is contested where the 5th character is A 6 or an 8. Here I’ve presented a comparison in an attempt to provide an objective analysis: