1) ‘E’ and ‘e’

Perhaps pointing to E -> 3 -> iii

2) Missing keys ‘C’, ‘A’, ‘O’, ‘3’

Can be used to spell out CaCO3

3) Protoporphyrin IX

Per Wikipedia:

[T]he component in egg shells that give them their characteristic brown color.

4) Remember CNS/PTE


5) Underlined letters

Multiple elements of the periodic table visibly have their first letter underlined.
Notably the element Hs (Hassium) has its ‘H’ underlined, but it crossed out with a black marker. Rob reacted with a 🤔 to a message which noted this fact.
Excluding the ‘H’ from Hs leaves a set of letters which can spell out the word “MONARCHIES”.

6) Crossed out elements

Xenon (Xe-54)
Caesium (Cs-55)
Lanthanum (La-57)
Gold (Au-79)

7) X=5, Y=6


8) More snowflakes

9) 20 Krona Note

Features many references to famous Swedish children’s author Astrid Lindgren and her well known book Pippi Longstocking.

10) Rock salt


11) Coffee Stain

I suspect we are being trolled and this is a simple coffee stain, but Rob has egged on investigations into it.

12) Lobster

The American Lobster Homarus americanus, maintains stable [amorphous calcium carbonate] throughout its yearly molt cycle

13) Rob and Unknown


We presume this to be a photo of Rob based on the visible armband and baseball cap. He appears to be displaying the ILY sign with one hand and the shaka sign or the letter Y from ASL’s American Letter Alphabet with the other.
His lower half appears to be merged with some partial concentric ovals, vaguely resembling the shape of an eye.