1) α.

Part of a cross puzzle, leading to pointing to the center of the egg on the woman’s kneepad.
This was unsolved until revealed in a message from Rob.

There is an unfound “A.” which is presumed to also be in this image, to the left of the woman’s Namatama kneepad.
The corresponding “B.” and “β.” can be found in CB2_Guns_and_Namas.

2) …pis

Believed to be “lapis”, confirmation in a message 👀‘d by Rob.

3) Circles

Unsolved (Two of the three meanings are unsolved)
The diameters of the circles represent Kevin Costner’s birthdate; likely another clue pointing towards Yellowstone, a show in which he starred.
This was unsolved until revealed in a message from Rob.

Rob has revealed that there are “tripple meaning[s]” behind these circles.

The angle defined by the center points of the three circles is ~165.4° and the distances between them are 1206.25px and 1381.92px from left to right. (source)

4) 4.2465


Proxima Centauri is a small, low-mass star located 4.2465 light-years (1.3020 pc) away from the Sun in the southern constellation of Centaurus.

The connection to Proxima Centauri has been 👀‘d by Rob, however a full understanding of the relevance of Proxima Centauri is still developing.


Converts to 46 204 in Arabic decimal numerals.

This lead hunter fish to the 978-0-306-46204-7, the hardcover ISBN for volume 467 of the series Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, titled Tryptophan, Serotonin, and Melatonin.
From this a connection between CNS (Central Nervous System) and serotonin was made and 👀‘d by Rob.

A full understanding of the relevance of CNS and serotonin is still developing.

A search of the Indianapolis, Indiana zip code 46204 was performed, and when asked “Somewhere close?” received a from Rob.
Rob also confirmed there was a tertiary clue in that area:

took me some time Fish, but yes there in one obscure clue in that area…. ._. (tertiary)

6) 308x97px box around the Embark footer

An imperceptible box was discovered surrounding the Embark logo in the footer, and was 👀‘d by Rob.

In this image analysis the box is pulled from the blue channel bit 0 bit plane, where it is clearly visible.

7) Blue/green 1px border

These border pixels are an exact mirror across the vertical axis of those present in CB2_Guns_and_Namas.